On Tuesday I was on my way to town. I pick one day a week and save up all my shopping and other town chores for that day. It saves on gas and time. I chose Tuesday because that afternoon I was going to donate blood. So anyway, as I was saying, I was on my way to town on Tuesday. It was really foggy, and it kind of reminded me of the time I lived in Ireland. The fog there was hardly ever just fog. It usually had some mist attached to it, but to the uninitiated it was just fog. How quickly I discovered otherwise. One morning I was waiting for the bus. No big deal. Except that in Ireland the 'schedule' is really just a suggestion of time. I waited and thought how lovely the fog looked that morning. Heavy and kind of soft. I waited some more. I felt sort of wet. I waited longer and got wetter. I couldn't figure out how I was getting wet in the fog. It was FOG after all. Eventually the bus arrived. By that time I was soaked. My hair was sticking to my head and my backpack was heavy. Ok, so anyway that was the kind of fog it was on Tuesday. Rainy-fog. The landscape was obscured, the lines blurred. AS I turned a corner on the highway, the fog lifted and I glimpsed a patch of pure sunshine. There, in a field was a blast of yellow, a pure canola yellow. It was beautiful, and ethereal against a backdrop of misty grey.
I think canola is my favorite crop, next to flax. Canola is so yellow and happy. It is a welcome colour after winter. Last year, I saw a field of canola right next to a field of flax. Yellow on blue. It was amazing. I think I should carry my camera from now on.
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