Monday, July 9, 2012

The First Day

Today is an auspicious day to start a new blog.  It is 34 degrees celsius, and it feels like a thousand.  My dogs are downstairs, sleeping on the cement.  I am upstairs with the fan pointed directly at me, and it barely cuts it.  It is 28 degrees in my house.  I needed something to do inside, since I am not a creature of summer. I count the days until fall and then until winter.  I will admit it, I love winter.  I don't know why, maybe I am crazy, but I think it is because I love all the layers I can wear in winter.  In summer, you can only take off so much, in the winter, you can add until your heart is content.
So I guess I am using this new blog to talk a bit about where I live and the wonders of the seasons on the Prairie and the things I see in my everyday life that I think might be worth sharing.
I invite you to join me on this journey.


  1. I'm a winter person as well. I HATE being hot, and of course, I live in Texas where it is hot about 360 days a year! Gah, I am such an idiot! Best of luck on this new blog! :)

    Mark (The Idiot) (

    1. Thank you Mark! You are more than welcome to come up to the Great White North and visit anytime!
