Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Close Encounters of the Wild Kind

Yesterday morning I woke up and thought to myself  'what am I going to write about today?' I already mentioned the intense heat, I am going to be gone all day crocheting with some friends (yes I crochet), and that's my day.'  I didn't want to write about something so boring, so I thought about just not writing.  I went upstairs to shower.  I was in the shower, washing my hair and I happened to look out the window that faced east.  I saw a creature standing in the grass.  It was a large, black, dog like creature.  It was tall.  It was feral.  I shouted 'What the heck is that? Dale, Dale come look at this!'  My husband came running into the bathroom, whipped back the shower curtain and stared. 'What?' He said. I told him to look out the window, not at me.  He looked, and decided it was a dog. I disagreed, so he went out to call it.  While he was on his way to the front door, the creature looked at me, and I knew it wasn't a dog.  Dale called to it and it whipped its head in his direction and then took off into the field.  It loped away, they turned and looked back, then loped a bit further and turned and looked back again, then ran away.  I got out of the shower, ate and booted up the computer. Dale left for work.  I looked up pictures of German Shepherds and wolves.  I wanted it to be a dog because I live in Southern Alberta and wolves are unheard of here.  I called Fish and Wildlife.  I talked to them for a bit and descrived what I saw.  They told me they were glad I called, because they had reports of the same thing near a town about 15 kilometres from where I live.  They wrote down my legal land description and said they were going to track its movements in the county.  They thought it might be a wolf-dog hybrid, and reminded me of the wolf-dog that had wandered around the countya few years ago, until a farmer shot it.  That animal was sent in for DNA testing, and had its picture in the paper. 
So there you have it, on a day where nothing was supposed to happen, I saw something pretty cool!

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