Friday, July 20, 2012

Slavery In the Modern World

Today I want to take some time to bring something to my few readers that is important to me.  I will try not to be preachy in my blog, so just give me this one day.  I want to talk about child slavery.  Yes, slavery. It still exists in our modern age.
I support a child in India through World Vision.  Now, regardless of how you feel about World Vision itself, please take the time to read what I have to say here and to check out the links I have posted.  I am not expecting you to do anything through World Vision, I am simply asking you to educate yourself about child slavery and trafficking and learn how it can affect you in Canada.
Many children are stuck in 3D jobs: dirty, degrading and dangerous. Some fast facts about trafficking and slavery:

An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year for labour and sexual exploitation, according to the International Labour Organization (2002).2
Forms of trafficking include sexual exploitation, forced labour, domestic slavery, forced marriage, organ removal, and exploiting children by involving them in begging and war.

Trafficking brokers often have the same nationality as their victims. This allows them to use local connections, to win trust, and if a victim resists, to threaten his or her family.

Some links that explain the different ways children are working in industry:

Please also read this on how you can help, if you choose:

How you can help locally:
-buy Fair Trade, use this website to find goods that are Fair Trade:
-  which rates products and companies on their effects on the environment, social performance and health risks.

Thanks for listening and reading.  I hope that we can end child slavery/exploitation one day.

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