Monday, July 23, 2012

Mystery Bug...Or Not

Yesterday I was haying my yard...haha. Kidding. I was mowing it, but it was so long that it felt like haying.  I don't have a mower right now (long story).  So ANYWAY, I was mowing the yard.  I went past one of my trees and out hopped something. At first I thought it was a frog since it was sort of big and green.  I turned off the PTO, turned off the mower and got off.  I followed the thing through the now short grass.  It stopped hopping.  I looked at it.  It was not a frog, in fact it wasn't even an amphibian.  It was a grasshopper sort of thing.  There are some pictures of it up there.
I had no idea what it was, so this morning I sent the pictures to my friend who works at Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton to see if she could get the entomology guys to figure it out.  So while I am waiting I tell my husband that I sent the pictures off and he asks me why I didn't just Google it.  I said I wouldn't know how to start.....Google 'grasshopper thingy' or 'grasshopper thingy with stinger butt'? (which isn't actually a stinger, but an maybe the mystery bug is a GIRL!!) I didn't know.  So he punched in some search terms on his Smartphone and 25 pages of images later he announces it is a Mormon Cricket.  I looked up Mormon Cricket and it looks pretty similar.  I am still going to wait to see if it is confirmed by the professionals with the letters after their names.  Apparently the Mormon Cricket (which is not actually a cricket, but a shieldbacked katydid) is called the Mormon cricket because it swarmed around the time the first Mormon settlement happened in Utah.  A flock of seagulls is said to have eaten them all (the crickets, not the Mormons) and saved the settlement from starvation.  So....last week I saw a wolf type thing and this week is a cricket! This has been an interesting summer so far!

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